Ms. Letchmie Christelie Jeanty is a lawyer practicing in family law. After completing her paralegal studies, Ms. Jeanty set out to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree. Her excellent academic results and social values helped her win a Simone Paquin bursary as well as a bursary from the Ahuntsic College Foundation and the JLR company. She was also awarded a COOP bursary from Ahuntsic College. We would describe Ms. Jeanty as passionate, determined and attentive to her clients’ needs.
It was Devichy Lawyers’ commitment to a range of causes, along with our extensive family law team, that appealed to Ms. Jeanty and made her want to be part of our team. Ms. Jeanty will be able to guide you in your cases related to divorce, child custody, spousal support, school choice and partition of the family patrimony. She would be happy to represent you in French, Creole or English.